Tuesday, July 30, 2013

There's a first for everything

Well it happened. My first injury. I'm not sure what exactly happened but a few days ago my ankle kind of started hurting. It felt like a bruise or something but nothing serious. I took a few days off running mostly because I was pretty busy this whole weekend but I figured I would be ok. On Monday I laced up my running shoes and hit the track. I started feeling my ankle with each stride but figured it was just my body getting in the groove. My first two miles are always the hardest because my body is still warming up and so I try not to let it discourage me. Halfway into mile two I took a small walk break and my ankle was pounding, my walk break turned into a hobble and I realized that maybe I needed to stop. My C25K app told me it was time to run and I tried running and felt much better than walking did. I thought 5 miles would probably not happen that night and even if I just did 3 miles I'd be good. I ended up doing 3.11 Miles in 32:40 with a 10'30"/mile average, broke no personal records (not like I was expecting to anyway) and then called it a day.

 After a cool down walk hobble and some stretching I trekked home to ice my throbbing ankle and watch one of my favorite movies, cause Disney fixes everything.

I can't help but feel depressed. It sucks to have to limit doing something that I love doing because I hurt myself. During my run I was so angry with my body. I don't think I have been pushing myself too much, I squeeze in rest days even though I'd rather run, I stretch after my runs so I don't understand why I got hurt. I hate it. I hate that now I have to stop running to let the injury heal and I always get antsy when it gets close to the time that I go run. I know that I must put my stubbornness aside to risk a big injury that could really set back my running so even though I'd rather be running, I am just laying here icing my ankle again and praying for a fast recovery.

Monday, July 22, 2013

The ABC's of me

A. Attached or Single?
 Very much so attached to my Prince Charming. He's stuck with me for good!

B. Best Friend?
 I wish I could say that I have had a friend that I've had for years that I confide in and we can finish eachothers sentences and what not but I don't. My best friend is my mom, no shame. I know when I used to say that as a teen it sounded lame but she is seriously the only one who has never let me down and is there for me 110% of the time. And she would probably punch me for posting this picture of her on here just because she hates pictures. Oh well, hakunamatata mother!

C. Cake or pie?  I can't ever turn down cake. Unless it's tres leches. YUCK.
D. Day of choice? Monday or Friday. Those are my set days off so while others loathe Mondays I am anxiously awaiting it.
E. Essential Item?
 Sad to say but my iphone. I feel so naked without it.
F. Favorite color? Pink, I'm a total girly girl.
G. Gummy bears or worms? Bears. But I am so OCD about it them since I only like the red and white ones. So I pick all of them out and leave the rejects in the bag for someone else to eat.
H. Home town?
 San Mateo
I. Favorite Indulgence? Food, more specifically desserts. Even more specifically, cakes/cupcakes. Especially if it has a heaping amount of frosting.

J. January or July? July.  I hate the cold weather and January is extra depressing because Christmas is gone and a whole 12 months away.
K. Kids? My whole life. Even though some days I hide in the bathroom for a few minutes while I eat a snickers. Don't you judge me!

L. Life isn’t complete without?
 My family. That includes my little family (hubbs & kids) my mom, sister & inlaws. Love them all.
M. Marriage date? May 7, 2009

N. Number of brothers/sisters?
 1 baby sister. Who is almost 19 and much taller than me and could beat me up if she wanted to. 

O. Oranges or Apples? Apples. I love oranges but hate peeling them. 
P. Phobias?
 I am terrified of clowns. I see a picture of one and I start feeling really anxious
Q. Quotes? So hard to choose! I think I'm going to have to go Disney with this one though "No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dreams that you wish will come true"
R. Reasons to smile?
 I have so many. I may not be the thinnest, prettiest, wealthiest or most educated but I have all that I need, I have my health and my family, a man that loves me and two beautiful boys that love me even when I don't love myself.
S. Season of choice? Tough one. Summer and fall are my favorites but then I really like what winter brings (Christmas, gingerbread, movie nights cuddled up with my boys while drinking hot chocolate). I do hate spring though. 
T. Tag 5 People. Anyone who reads this and hasn’t done this post yet, you are tagged!
U. Unknown fact about me? I would wish to be a mermaid every chance I got when I was a little girl.
V. Vegetable? Spinach. I can't ever get enough. Or bell peppers. NOM!
W. Worst habit?  Procrastination. I've been working on this post for two days but have also been watching my Novela (spanish soap opera) on YouTube
X. Xray or Ultrasound? Uh...ultrasound? Random.
Y. Your favorite food? Tacos. Or burgers. Ugh I can't choose. I love food.
Z. Zodiac sign? Libra

Thursday, July 18, 2013


A lot has happened since my last update over a year ago, I swear I kept wanting to blog but so much was going on and I guess I wasn't 100% committed.

Last time I posted I was around 15 weeks pregnant, still unsure of the sex of the baby and probably still dealing with that wretched morning sickness. Well, the baby was another little beautiful boy. He was born August 7, 2012 and stole my heart from the minute I saw his little face.

He was 9 lbs 4 oz of perfection and we named him Damian. He fit in perfectly into our little family and made us so happy from day one.

Going from one kiddo to two didn't seem too bad. Gabriel loved having his baby brother and he was such a huge help and always so loving and gentle. Breastfeeding went great, I mean, the kiddo latched on about a minute after being born for crying out loud. I had tons of help from Jesus, my mom and inlaws the first few weeks and even months which really helped the transition of becoming a family of 4. The sleep depravation sucked but I still cherished those 3am feedings when I got to snuggle up with my itty bitty. And during the days I loved watching Gabriel interact with his baby brother, always so loving and gentle, trying to calm him down when he would cry and later "teaching" him how to play, even now they are the best of friends.
When it was time to go back to work I cried. I hated having to leave not just one, but two kids. How I wish I could stay with them all day long! But such is life, I balanced the whole working momma gig, came home and did the super mommy thing and did it day in and day out.
And so, a year has passed (or almost!) Gabriel is almost 5 and will be starting kindergarten this fall. Seriously, how did that happen? He is a total dork (wonder where he got that from?) and has such a big heart and a huge imagination.

Damian will be one in just a few weeks and I find it ridiculous that I'm even saying that! This year has flown by and I've had so much fun seeing him grow up and change from being a floppy little newborn to a little cruising chubby (almost) toddler. He is so attatched to me which makes things a little harder to get anything done (ever had to cook dinner while simutaneously holding a 28 lb ball of fluff?) but he is a total sweetheart and I'm so happy that he's a part of our lives now.
Prince Charming, also known as "The husband" is the best daddy ever. He loves his boys and he also helps out with them a ton. Even if he's exhausted he will take the boys so momma can get a few hours to take a nap or something. He's been super busy with work since he recently got promoted but the times we do spend together are awesome, even if we are all just lounging around at home watching Toy Story 3 for the billionth time with our little loves. 
As for me, I'm busy with work and since the little Pooh-bear still isn't sleeping through the night I'm usually pretty exhausted. However, I've made lots of positive changes in my life this past year. Although I did have a baby less than a year ago, I am under my pre-pregnancy weight now. I've changed my eating habits a lot, cutting out a bunch of junk and trying to eat healthier. I don't think of it as a diet- more of a lifestyle change. I still eat a burger here and there and will drink a soda once in a blue moon but for the most part, I am much more concious of the food I'm putting in my body. The truth is, I feel so much better now that I am avoiding all the crap food. I have a long way to go to get the body I want but I'm working for it. I started running and have signed up for the Tinkerbell half marathon in January 2014 and although I have never been a runner, I am pleased to say I'm doing really well.

So that's it! I've relatively caught ya'll up on my life and will attempt to make it a habit to blog much more now.

I hope.

But now I must go, the little ones are up from their naps and it's just about dinner time, it's time to get back to my mom-tastic life.