Sunday, January 8, 2012

Back with Bump #2!

I'm baaaaaackkkk! Hope all you guys had a fabulous Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa etc and that 2012 has been treating you just awesome so far.

Things are so different since I last updated, OVER A YEAR AGO! Jesus is no longer in the military, he's done for good which was kind of bittersweet but a huge relief. Gabriel is three now- ridiculous! It feels like just yesterday he was in my belly kicking up a storm. Now he's a huge ball of energy and such a goof-ball!
And now a big brother-to-be!

We're expecting our second bundle of joy August 14, 2012. Which makes me just a few hours shy of 9 weeks! I'm so excited for this baby (not like I wasn't excited with Gabriel!) and so is the hubs & my little bubba. I am also excited for this trimester to be over! I never had any symptoms with Gabriel, this time around I have morning sickness like I never imagined, acne, tender boobies, and am tired beyond belief. Hopefully I get my energy back soon! My house is seriously in need of some TLC and I would love to be able to spend a day without bonding with the toilet. Even though I've felt like poopie lately, I am so beyond blessed and every time I'm heaving up my lunch I think to myself how it will be worth it in the end when I get to hug my sweet baby.

Got our BFP on December 8th, 2011

I don't know why these are showing up being so small, but it's something I'm doing to document the pregnancy since I didn't do such a good job last time. A picture taken at the beginning of each week along with some questions. Here is week 8!

I will for sure try to update frequently as opposed to my once-every-year posts LOL. Poor little blog doesn't deserve to be in blog limbo and I know the blogging itself will benefit me somehow, as a distraction or whatnot. But for now it's time to say goodnight since it is way past my pregnant self's bedtime and this little gummybear is taking up all my energy!

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