Happy Ten Month Birthday Gabriel!
Today Gabriel is ten months old. My how time has flied. It feels like just yesterday I was holding my newborn all bundled up and I remember holding him and thiking how I couldn't even put my feelings into words. I was amazed at how this little being meant so much to me and thinking how on earth could I have ever been happy without him in my life.
He has grown and changed so much in these past months and it's scarry to think that in just two months my little baby will be a toddler! It's so unreal and quite sad! But I am happy to say that I have enjoyed ever minute of it and have documented just about everything! Seriously, if you looked at my computer you would think I have my camera surgically attatched to my wrist by the amount of pictures I have in folders.
What is this kid up to these days?
Gabriel is crawling all over the place but would much rather be cruising, holding on to the edges of the furniture and getting into things he shouldn't be getting into.
He has seven teeth so far, his two front bottom teeth, two top front teeth, the ones on either side and his right fang. And is working on more as we speak. I love his toothy grin!
He still loves to read and his favorite book is still Goodnight Moon, but he only likes when I read it to him, if anyone else tries he just closes the book and glares at them. I'm going to have to buy a new copy of Goodnight Moon soon since I'm not sure how much longer it's going to hold up, although I have it memorized so I shouldn't be in that much trouble.
He says a few words already "mama", "papa". "mas"(more in spanish), "agua" "bye" "book" "moon" (when he wants to read goodnight moon), and a few more that sound like words but aren't as well pronounced yet like "daniela" (my sisters name) but it sounds more like "daa-yeeey-ahaaaa" and will also try to mimic the sounds of animals. He knows a duck says quack and is "pato" in spanish so he says "qua" or "pato" when he sees his rubber duckie. And if I put all his bathtoys in the tub with him and ask him where the duck is picks up the duck.
Gabriel is such a silly kid, now whenever he sees the camera he makes silly faces and goofy grins! It's hillarious! And when I tell him "You're so silly!" he smiles and shakes his head no!
He loves to spend time outside in nature, especially when it comes to going to the park and swinging or just going for a walk. He loves watching the branches of the trees sway with the wind. Everyday his grandpa comes after dinner and takes him for a walk. He absolutely adores his Grandpa! As soon as he walks in the door Gabriel's face lights up and he turns around and waves bye to me. Im sure that when he starts walking he is going to go grab his hat and run to the door to wait for him!
We are still nursing and plan on doing so until at least a year. He nurses less often though which makes me kind of sad, knowing that I am no longer his main source of nourishment but I'm so happy with my decision to breastfeed and wouldn't have had it any other way. His favorite fruits are peaches, mangos and apples. He loves sweet potato and carrots and surprisingly enough spinach! We also tried spaghetti with meat sauce and he liked it...still, he's not a fan of chunky food. And only recently he started to take intrest in feeding himself. Gabriel loves yobaby yogurt, jello, cheese, crackers with cream cheese, chocolate cake! and harmony frozen yogurt...actually, he loves food, the list could seriously go on!
He loves music especially classical music, the other day he was BAWLING in the car and I popped in a Baby Einstein cd and he was as happy as a clam! He loves Baby Einstein! I dont know why he finds it so funny! You should hear him squeal in delight when he watches his videos. I love my sweet baby boy!